

Coca Cola

Limited edition labels for 33 cl glass bottles featuring illustrations of the Neapolitan Smorfia.

Ritter Sport

Special meter-long packaging and graphic communication content for social media for Ritter Sport mini.


Brand identity e visual system per Welly, catena di fast food 3.0 con riscontro nella blockchain.

Pizza Girls

Logo for the television broadcast airing on Rai Italia and Rai Premium “Pizza Girls”.

Caffè Museo

Brand identity, Point of Purchase (P.O.P) materials, and packaging design for artisanal food products.


Restyling and new brand identity, with guidelines, for this school and office supplies brand.


Logo and corporate image for an exclusive wellness center where the atmosphere restores balance and harmony.


Designing elegant labels for the wine series of the Cardosa Winery.

Coca Cola

Limited edition labels for 33 cl glass bottles featuring illustrations of the Neapolitan Smorfia.

  • Areas

    Packaging Design
    Label Design

  • Teamwork

    ART DIRECTOR: Biagio Di Stefano
    GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Angelo Caruso - Giuseppe Ferrigno - Antonio Pistola - Giusy Zambrano - Federica Pelliccio - Carlo Vitelli - Michele Luise

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Ritter Sport

Special meter-long packaging and graphic communication content for social media for Ritter Sport mini.

  • Areas

    Packaging Design
    Digital Imaging

  • Teamwork

    GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Biagio Di Stefano

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Brand identity e visual system per Welly, catena di fast food 3.0 con riscontro nella blockchain.

  • Areas

    Brand identity
    Corporate image
    Packaging Design
    UI Design
    UX Design

  • Teamwork

    ART DIRECTORS: Biagio Di Stefano, Antonio Imparato
    PROJECT MANAGER: Vincenzo Maietta

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Pizza Girls

Logo for the television broadcast airing on Rai Italia and Rai Premium “Pizza Girls”.

  • Areas

    Brand Identity
    Editorial design
    Packaging Design
    Motion graphics

  • Teamwork

    ART DIRECTOR: Biagio Di Stefano
    DIRECTOR: Carlo Fumo

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Caffè Museo

Brand identity, Point of Purchase (P.O.P) materials, and packaging design for artisanal food products.

  • Areas

    Restyling logo
    Brand Identity
    Packaging Design
    P.O.P. layout

  • Teamwork

    ART DIRECTOR: Biagio Di Stefano
    GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Biagio Di Stefano
    PHOTOGRAPHY: Gaetano Clemente

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Restyling and new brand identity, with guidelines, for this school and office supplies brand.

  • Areas

    Restyling logo
    Brand identity
    Brand guidelines
    Packaging Design
    Digital Imaging

  • Teamwork

    ART DIRECTOR: Biagio Di Stefano, Antonio Imparato

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Logo and corporate image for an exclusive wellness center where the atmosphere restores balance and harmony.

  • Areas

    Brand identity
    Corporate Image
    P.O.P. layout
    Packaging Design

  • Teamwork

    ART DIRECTOR: Biagio Di Stefano
    GRAPHIC DESIGN: Biagio Di Stefano

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Designing elegant labels for the wine series of the Cardosa Winery.

  • Areas

    Label design
    packaging design

  • Teamwork

    ART DIRECTOR: Biagio Di Stefano

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